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Welcome 2017, Goodbye PTE and IELTS!

Hi, this is my first time to post an article in English.. Sorry for any grammar mistakes which might occur in this article :) I just want to share my horrid experience with PTE and IELTS in 2016. A rough journey, indeed, but Thanks God, I finally made it! I decide to write this in English to help everyone who have a plan to take an English proficiency test for any purposes.

As you know, if you want to study abroad or migrate to some English Speaking Countries, like Australia, Canada or England, you definitely have to take this test. You can select the one which suits you best, either PTE or IELTS. IELTS academic for study purposes, and IELTS general for migration (except for teacher or nurse - they do not have any choices but the academic one).

My journey to pursue the proficient level, IELTS 7 each or PTE 65 each started at the end of 2015. The meaning of each is I have to get minimum 7 in reading, listening, speaking and writing in IELTS or 65 in PTE Academic. My first choice was PTE at that time as many people on internet said that it is easier to ace PTE than IELTS, and so did my immigration lawyer say. As an innocent who never took any tests before, I thought that getting such score is not as difficult as people's rant. I never had any difficulty at school or university throughout my life.. Or maybe yes I did get a few hiccups during my high school science class or my undergraduate's thesis, or during my certificate study in MEGT, one of the most *daunting* Children Education College in Melbourne, but never that bad. At the end, I always got a completion certificate on time with a relatively satisfying score. But this time, it was different!

So, this was my first time..
Note: when I applied to study abroad, I did not have to take any test because I passed the college's English test.

PTE 1st experience - mid December 2015
I entered the PTE Center in Melbourne CBD at the first time and that was not like a test room at all! When the speaking test began, everybody in the room was shouting at the same time, just like the seller in Queen Victoria Market. "One dollar a Bag! Dollar Bag Dollar Bag!" - but of course, they didn't say that jargon. The speaking test consisted of some sections. The first was the easiest. I just have to read aloud the sentences which had written on the monitor, but the rest were horrible. I have a bad short memory, so when I had to repeat the sentences, I just mumbled and murmured like a silly person. The longer the sentences, the dumber I was! During the describe image (charts and tables), due to the lack of preparation, I did not do it well. The reading part was tough, the listening was so so, but the writing part was the easiest compared to the other sections.
My first test was a fiasco, especially the speaking part. Although I passed the reading and writing part with a minimum 65, my speaking score was 40. I then decided to take it again with a better preparation.

Last experience with PTE - April 2016
This was my third attempt. After several months of preparation, I found some tips and tricks on the internet about PTE exam. There are many forums about it, just type in the google search engine "PTE a exam expat forum" or "PTE pinoyau" -> Filipinos forum, most of them use English and share some useful templates for the speaking part. The fiercest enemy in PTE exam is the speaking part because you have to speak to the computer. The best tips was speaking with a low tone and steady pace, just like a robot. Unfortunately, I have a soprano female voice, so talking with that style in the middle of nervous attack was nearly impossible. As a result, I decided to leave PTE forever, after I got this kind of result:

As you can see, my oral fluency and pronunciation score were incredibly disgusting! This final result humiliated and hurt me so much so I then chose to try IELTS.

My testimony about PTE:
- Easy to score in writing. Unlike IELTS, the writing part in PTE is a piece of cake. Just try some fancy vocabs like: jeopardize, scrutinize, fathom, abhor, bridled, unbridled, impecunious, indispensable, incredible, outweigh, demeanor, etc. Anything like that, the computer loves it!
- Planning is not that important in PTE writing because you only have 20 minutes to finish the essay. Choose a fix template instead.
- Speaking template is a must! But if you keep failing in speaking only like me, maybe that means PTE is just not your fate, try IELTS. forget PTE!
- Listening and reading are just about practice and practice.

IELTS 1st experience - June 2016
My first experience with IELTS was smoother than PTE, to be honest. IELTS general reading is the easiest for me and I could get a straight 9 in my first attempt. There are many useful websites about IELTS, like ieltsliz, ielts advantage, ielts simon, etc. Just type it on google search engine.
Listening in IELTS is only about focus and keywords. Underline the words next to the blank, beware the instruction and try to concentrate to the max.
But again, the GHOST in IELTS are in writing and speaking part!
I can tell you, they are GHOST because they are very subjective and unpredictable.
Sometimes you can feel that your writing was superbs, but the result was a contradiction.
There was a time you met a friendly speaking examiner but at the end, they stabbed you at the back with 0,5 less than your desired band.
My first IELTS exam result was not bad, I got overall 7,5, with 9 in reading, more than 7 in listening and writing and 6,5 in speaking.
I was furious and without thinking a lot, I went for remark. And the result was NEGATIVE.

Last experience with IELTS - January 2017
After 3 failures, I then decided to take the last test. Why last? Because I had already been so fed up! I started hate my life. I started blame God for not giving me the score which I deserve. I studied hard, nearly everyday for 1 year. Yes! ONE YEAR. That's why I didn't post anything during 2016 (only 1 post) because I was studying - a lot! I then prayed to God that this will be my last test, no matter what the result is. I would rather go for 489 visa and live in regional Australia, than keep facing the disappointments.
For your information, I did not join any course during my study period and I think this was my biggest mistake. I was too confident with my English and depended myself to the "luck". But right before my last attempt, I paid an essay correction service, provided by Chris Pell, ielts advantage - this is not an advertisement, but I think this has a great contribution to my writing skill. Before, I had unstable performance, ranging from 6,5 to 7. He pointed out my mistakes and gave me some useful advice to bolster my writing performance. The fee is a little bit pricey - compared to the other services, but he had an excellence approach - in my personal opinion. For speaking, one of my friend's brother helped me to improve my performance by giving me the "academic style" advice. He was an IELTS teacher - non native speaker, but worked for Indonesian British Council. The tips for speaking was talking in a slower pace, but not to slow. Slow pace will help you to think before you speak and give you a chance to give your best pronunciation.

On January 20th 2017 - I don't know whether it was my dream comes true or I just woke up from a long nasty nightmare when I saw this online provisional result.

This was my last try in IELTS, but this was my first time to experience the happy tears! I'm not a melancholic person. I did not cry in my graduation day despite of our family's financial difficulty after my father passed away. I did not cry in my wedding though I spent all my perks for this event. I did not cry when I hold my son at the first time after a non epidural - natural birth. But I cried the happy tears when I saw this crazy-test result. I was speechless and only said "Praise the Lord Jesus.. Thank you God!" (and sorry for my stupid anger)

Again, welcome 2017.. Goodbye PTE and IELTS! I will always depend on Jesus and work hard for our better future.

By: Anita ( January 31st 2017)



  1. Hi, how about taking the test in Indonesia, is it easiear or same difficult?

  2. I think it's same because they have same standards :)


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